Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 02 | 01 ms
[340609]  Show Record 

The itinerary of Ludovico di Varthema of Bologna from 1502 to 1508 / as translated from the original Italian edition of 1510, by John Winter Jones, F.S.A., in 1863 for the Hakluyt Society ; with a Discourse on Varthema and his travels in southern Asia by Sir Richard Carnac Temple. - London : The Argonaut Press, . - lxxxv, 121 p.
Descritores: Viagem | História | Descobrimentos | Asia
Cota: MOR 910.4 VAR|FO
[360355]  Show Record 

Le voyage de Ludovico di Varthema : en Arabie & aux Indes orientales (1503-1508) / avant-propos de Geneviêve Bouchon ; préface de Jean Aubin ; traduction de Paul Teyssier. - Paris : Editions Chandeigne, . - 365 p.
Descritores: Viagem | Arábia Saudita | India | Asia
Cota: MOR 910.4 VAR|FO
